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America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC, supports elected officials who will:
- Keep your energy bills affordable because it improves your quality of life
- Help your cooperative keep your energy service reliable
- Assist your efforts to use energy more efficiently
- Make renewable energy more affordable for you
- Help rebuild your cooperative after a storm
- Protect our economy and jobs when making energy laws
Join America's Electric Cooperatives PAC
What is America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC?
America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC gives you, the member-owner, the opportunity to use your voice on behalf of your cooperative. State and federal government officials make policy decisions that affect your local cooperative and your way of life. This program is an easy way for you to help determine who gets elected to make those decisions.
The America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC® is the political action committee (PAC) of the nation’s electric cooperatives. Founded in 1966 by the approximately 1000 cooperatives of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), it supports candidates for state and federal office – those in office now and running for office – who will speak for and protect the interests of cooperatives and their member-owners.
Your participation in the nationwide America’s Electric Cooperatives PAC program ensures that the voice of cooperatives remains strong in our nation’s capital and in your state legislature. Maintaining a strong grassroots presence in the political process is instrumental to the long-term success of the cooperative program and the communities they serve in these unpredictable times.
Members interested in joining the PAC should contact TCEC at
VCP – Voices for Cooperative Power

Members of Voices for Cooperative Power (VCP) unite to influence elected officials as they make critical federal and state policy decisions that directly impact electric co-ops and their members. Our experiences and the way we utilize energy are unique, and VCP members come together to communicate this perspective.
VCP is a network of electric co-op members working together to influence elected officials who are making energy policy decisions that impact our co-ops and, by extension, our way of life.
America’s energy system is going through a fundamental transformation – and much of the focus in Washington is on large utilities in urban areas. Our electric co-ops are fundamentally different.
Now more than ever, as members of VCP and owners of our co-ops, we need to make our voices heard in conversations about energy policies that impact not only our co-op services, but the communities we call home.
We use VCP as a grassroots advocacy tool to easily contact elected officials and policymakers in real time as they make decisions that affect our co-op communities. Register for VCP today for regular policy updates and find out how you can get involved:
VCP’s main issue priorities include:
- Reliable, Affordable, Responsible Power
- Access to reliable, affordable, and responsible power is the foundation of economic
opportunity. Our co-ops know how to best serve local communities.
- Access to reliable, affordable, and responsible power is the foundation of economic
- Supporting Co-op Communities
- From keeping the lights on to helping members in need and supporting local businesses, concern for the community is a cornerstone of co-op efforts.
- Building for the Future
- Electric co-ops are leading efforts to implement futuristic solutions for the rural communities they call home.
- Environmental Stewardship
- Co-ops are taking meaningful steps to promote environmental stewardship. They work hard to protect the land, water, and air in the communities they serve.
Co-ops Vote
Rural communities depend on voters like you to ensure our elected officials truly represent us. Be a Co-
op Voter. Co-ops Vote website:
- Find your polling location:
- Find out if you are registered to vote:
- Request an Absentee Ballot Application:
- Find your current Elected Officials:
- What’s on the ballot?