Tri-County Electric Cooperative exists to provide service to its members in the best manner possible. The board of directors meets monthly to develop policies and approve long range plans for the organization.

The board consists of nine directors elected by the membership. Three directors are elected from each of the three counties served by the cooperative: Jefferson, Marion and Washington.

The annual membership meeting of the cooperative is held for the purpose of electing board members, giving annual reports and conducting any other business deemed necessary. Each member is entitled to one vote upon each matter submitted to a vote at the meeting of the members. Current directors are as follows:


Tri-County Electric Cooperative Directors
Jefferson County Marion County Washington County

Donnie Laird, Waltonville

Christopher Johnson, Belle Rive

Kathy Withers, Mount Vernon

Tom Beyers, Odin

Sam Phillips, Salem

Michelle Barbee, Salem

Phil Carson, Oakdale

Doug Knolhoff, Hoyleton

Jordan Brink, Richview

About the Board

 One of the most valuable principles of the cooperative business model is democratic control.  Boards of cooperatives are democratically elected by the membership to govern and direct the affairs of the cooperative.   Tri-County Electric Cooperative has a 9-member board with three directors from each district.  The territory of the cooperative has three districts, each of which contains one of the primary counties (Jefferson, Marion, and Washington) of the Cooperative.

     The membership elects one director for each district at the annual meeting each year in July, and the directors serve three-year rotating terms.  

How to Run

    Board candidates can be nominated by petition signed by at least 25 members, and signatures may come from the entire Cooperative membership.  A joint membership consists of only one member - meaning if both the member and the joint member sign the petition, it counts as one signature.   Petitions can be picked up in February each year and filed in person along with an affidavit stating that the person filing the petition meets the qualifications to become or remain a board member. Petitions must be filed in person at our Mt. Vernon office in April by the date specified in our Hi-Lites Newsletter each year.   

Petitions may be picked up in person, sent to a member by e-mail, or mailed to a member,  but must be filed in person.  If you would like to receive an official petition along with the affidavit, please contact the cooperative.   

  Qualifications to become or remain a board member:

  1. Be an individual with the capacity to enter legally binding contracts,
  2. Be a member of the Cooperative in good standing, purchasing electric energy from the Cooperative,
  3. Be a bona fide resident of the district in which he (she) represents, receiving service therefrom at their primary residential abode,
  4. Not be employed by or hold a position or own an interest that could provide a reasonable opportunity for advancing a pecuniary interest, directly or indirectly, that is not common among members in a competing enterprise of business, a business selling electric energy or supplies to the Cooperative, or a business primarily engaged in generating electric energy, or selling electric energy, electric appliances, fixtures, or supplies to the members of the Cooperative,
  5. While a board member, and during the three years immediately before becoming a board member, not be an employee of the Cooperative, an employee of a subsidiary of the Cooperative, or an employee of an entity in which the Cooperative is a member,
  6. Not be an immediate family member of an employee of the Cooperative or another board member. Immediate family member shall be defined as spouse, parent and grandparent, children and grandchildren, sibling, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, including adopted, half, and step members. 
  7. While a board member and during the five years immediately before becoming a board member, not be convicted of or plead guilty to a felony,
  8. While a board member and during the five years immediately before becoming a board member, not personally be a claimant or be a majority owner of an entity which is a claimant in a mediation, arbitration, lawsuit, or other legal action against the Cooperative or be a party defendant in action brought by the Cooperative.
  9. When a membership is held jointly by a husband and wife either one, but not both, may be elected as a board member, provided, however, that neither one shall be eligible to become or remain a board member or to hold a position of trust in the Cooperative unless both shall meet the qualifications hereinabove set forth.

Credentials and Elections Committee (C&E)

The Credentials and Elections (C&E) Committee (formerly known as the Nominating Committee) will meet to review the qualifications of petitioning nominees and supervise nominations of board members.   If there are no nominations by petition for the district in which a director is to be elected, it is the duty of the C&E Committee to select a nominee(s) for that district. 

How to Vote 

Each member shall be entitled to only one vote upon each matter submitted to a vote at a meeting of the members.  Members of the Cooperative may vote in person.  No member may vote by proxy. Members can vote for directors at the Annual Meeting in July.  More information about the Annual Meeting of Members




For more detailed information, view the Tri-County Electric Cooperative Bylaws.